Bringing Hope in Crisis Pregnancies

Helping Mothers in Their Greatest Time of Need

New Beginnings is a Crisis Pregnancy Center, founded and operated by African Christian Outreach within their Community Outreach Projects. Given the increasing population of women faced with a crisis pregnancy in Kenya, along with the absence of support services, the need was evident. Moreover, the staff at ACO grew convinced this initiative would also be a powerful ministry tool within the community.


We have a team of trained staff and volunteers who offer biblically-based crisis counselling, post-abortion counselling, and general counselling.

We use the Bible and relevant study material to lead women to Christ for restoration. Recognizing that only Christ can bring about true healing, hope, and wholeness is a fundamental part of our process.

Bible Studies


While most women’s shelters in Kenya only acccommodate girls 18 years and younger, ours is unique, serving ladies strictly between the ages of 18 and 24. After careful assessment, we provide temporary accommodation to ladies who are in need as they figure out life’s next step.

Life Skills

We teach important life skills, including basic tailoring, money management, basic cooking skills, crafting, health and nutrition, and housekeeping. These skills are geared towards enabling women to be adaptable, responsible and competent in tackling day-to-day obligations.

Other Services

We offer ultrasounds, pregnancy tests, referrals to medical doctors and classes on birth and parenting.

“Thank you, New Beginnings… you brought me hope in my darkest moments.”

— Client from Moi University


Contact Us to Get Free Services


+254 780 733 288‬